Sunday 19 April 2009

Sue: 30 Years on the Creek

Whilst on the walk I was introduced to Sue Lawes (fivetoninedesign) who practices from one of the Creekside studio spaces who has lived in the flats opposite for about 30 years and imparted a little insight into the areas life and potential. One of the things mentioned when quizzed about after hours activity in the area was the fact that "there's bloody nothing to do!", with the birds nest pub ceasing to attract as mainly frequented by a younger crowd with an air or mismanagement crippling its appeal. One of the most relevant comments in relation to our project was the fact that many of the studios are increasingly raising their rents, many tenants are moving out and waiting lists are apparently snowballing which does suggest that space in the area is in fact desired at a lower budget. 
Sue insisted that I take a look at the Deptford Design Charrette which is apparently a large initiative looking at the future development of the area which I intend to do this afternoon.
Thanks Sue. 

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