Following on with the theme of self-sufficiency within communities, I visited the Brixton Arcade for a nosy round the 22 individual vacant shops that are being made available for potential businesses and art projects. All units come complete with the enticing offer of 3 months free rent and the project is being organised in conjunction with local councils and the Spacemakers network. The idea is to transform the presently malnourished shopping arcade with new/innovative business/creative enterprises in an attempt to attract and re-invigorate this rather wonderful space into something Brixton can whole heartedly boast about.
I put together a proposal for a unit, comprising intentions to lure in members of the community and engage them with an array of making practices, bridging the knowledge gap between consumption and material economies- that is everything that comes before. A lecture by Richard Sennett at the LSE inspired this course of action, one of the subjects dominating his talk was the knowledge void concerning material investment and the demise of craftsmanship and the qualities within society it imparts, anyway... I proposed so I could test out a few ideas and use it as a platform for extracting valuable opinions community wide.
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